Friday 11 September 2015

Keep Pests Away From Your Balcony

With a few simple steps, you can enjoy your balcony without pests.

Sitting on a balcony to enjoy cool summer breezes or watching your children play on the lawn is one of the cherished pleasures of life. However, the good weather that lures us outside also brings with it pests of all types, making what should be an enjoyable experience, irritating and a possible health hazard. For example, mosquitoes can carry the West Nile Virus and cause serious illness. With this in mind, it is important to take measures to keep pests away from your balcony to avoid being bitten. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Citronella oil is also found in sprays that can be applied directly to skin to deter pests such as ticks.

Light a citronella candle while you are sitting on the balcony. Citronella oil is harvested from grasses and has been used for decades as an effective repellant against fleas and mosquitoes, among other insects. It will not kill the insects, but it will confuse them so they will not know where to land and bite.

2. Outdoor ceiling fans may keep insects from landing in your food if you are eating on a balcony.

Install electric devices such as an electronic bug zapper that attracts pests with fluorescent bulbs and then kills them. If your balcony is covered, put in a ceiling fan to effectively cause the pests to scatter from the area when in use.

3. Despite their creepy reputation, bats are effective for pest control.

Place natural insect repellents on your balcony and the surrounding area. An open dish of crushed herbs such as mint, rosemary and catnip will emit an odor that most insects dislike. Installing a bat house in the vicinity of your balcony will attract bats at night who will then feed on area mosquitoes. In addition, a nearby bird house will attract birds who will seek out pests to eat, thus reducing the pest population.

Tags: your balcony, insects will, will attract, your balcony