Monday 7 September 2015

Diy Insect Repellents

Bug pests

As the weather warms up and the summer months begin, insect pests never fail to make an unwelcome appearance. They bug us in the home and they bug us when we're outdoors. They eat our crops and suck our blood. With so many chemical insect repellents in the stores, it's hard to know what really works and what is safe to use on our skins and on our plants. Fortunately, mother nature provides us with natural, safe remedies to drive away unwanted insect pests from our home, body and garden. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Go to a health-food store and look for essential oils. Buy the supplies you will need. You may find small glass bottles in kitchen-supply ,or you can use clean, airtight empty jars or recycled glass bottles you have at home to store the homemade repellent in. Buy a "carrier oil" such as olive oil, almond or sunflower from any store.

2. Make an insect repellent to put on your skin before you venture outdoors, such as this one:

2 ounces any carrier oil (olive oil, sunflower oil or jojoba for example).

5 drops pennyroyal essential oil, 14 drops eucalyptus essential oil, 7 drops citronella essential oil, 10 drops bergamot essential oil, 10 drops lavender essential oil.

Mix these ingredients together with the carrier oil, in a glass bottle or small jar. Rub on your skin before you go outside.

Add 15 ounces of vodka to this recipe if you would prefer a spray. Place into a spray bottle and spray it onto yourself, avoiding the eyes.

3. Use boric acid (you can find it in many hardware or grocery stores) around the house for roaches, beetles, ants and whatever else crawls around on the floor. Sprinkle it on the floor in the corners and along baseboards and doorways. You can sprinkle some inside cupboards, around the edges. Don't sprinkle it around pet sleeping areas as it can be an eye and respiratory irritant.

4. Kill roaches by mixing about 40 drops of orange or lemon essential oil with 20 drops clove oil into 2 cups of vodka or other strong, undiluted spirit alcohol. Put this into a spray bottle and use to spray roaches directly. Do not put on skin.

5. Mix 1 tablespoon dish soap, preferably an eco-friendly kind, with water in a spray bottle and spray directly onto your garden plants to protect from pests such as aphids.

Tags: essential drops, bottle spray, spray bottle, spray bottle spray, glass bottles, insect pests