Thursday 3 September 2015

Join A Wwii Reenactment Squad

World War II reenactment squads get together and put on exhibitions meant to mimic the events of World War II. The people that get together and perform this often end up becoming close friends. You can network via the joining of a World War II reenactment squad. You don't need many particular skills to join such a team; you merely need to have the desire and commitment to join. A few simple steps will put you in the position to join an organized World War II reenactment squad.


1. Find a World War II reenactment squad you wish to join. You can find a major organizational body, such as the WWII Reenactment Society. Alternatively, you can network locally to find a smaller organization.

2. Contact the society you wish to join. Let them know of your interest in joining. Convey your passion via an email or phone call. Ask them where and when to show up to the next meeting. Find out what items to bring.

3. Show up at the next meeting. Bring the items you were told to bring and get ready to participate. If you don't like the style of the particular society, join another one.

Tags: World reenactment, World reenactment squad, next meeting, reenactment squad, wish join