Wednesday 12 August 2015

Repair A Damaged Tv Monitor

Perhaps you have found a likely-looking TV standing on the side of the road for roadside garbage pickup, or you know your neighbor's getting rid of their TV because someone stood too close to it with a magnet. Fortunately for you, this is one of the easiest things to fix, and the best part is that you will be rewarded with a perfectly working TV monitor.


1. Find a cordless drill that's capable of a pretty high RPM. Your own drill might work. If not, borrow one from your neighbor.

2. Look for some hard drive magnets. If you're able to find out what kind of magnets or the power of the magnets were that affected the monitor in the first place, all the better. Try to get magnets of the same power.

3. Attach the magnets to the drill bit of the cordless drill with tape. Using a drill bit with a longer shank will give you more space to attach your magnets.

4. Press the trigger on your cordless drill and bring it up to speed as you seek to repair a damaged TV monitor.

5. Point the cordless drill at the damaged TV monitor like a gun, and move it over the area or areas that were affected by the magnet.

6. Pull the cordless drill away from the damaged monitor slowly while you're still pressing the trigger. Voila! You will find the monitor is fixed. If some damage still remains, make a few more passes with your cordless drill.

Tags: cordless drill, damaged monitor, drill with, your cordless, your cordless drill