Tuesday 18 August 2015

Get Dry Skin Off The Bottom Of Your Feet

Keep your feet soft and smooth with an at-home pedicure.

Rough, callused feet are a common problem, especially if you live in a dry climate, go barefoot outside or have a tendency toward dry skin. Your heels might crack and be painful or unsightly. Fortunately, you don't have to spend money on a professional pedicure. Soaking your feet and filing your heels yourself work wonders and cost very little money. Look sharp in flip-flops and summer sandals with an at-home pedicure and perhaps a fresh coat of toenail polish. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Wash your feet with a gentle, moisturizing soap. Glycerin soaps work especially well.

2. Fill a basin or bathtub with enough hot water to cover your feet. Get the water as hot as you can stand it, and toss in a handful of Epsom salt. Mix the salt around with your hand until it is dissolved.

3. Soak your feet in the salt solution until the water turns cool. Wrap your feet in a clean, soft towel to dry them.

4. Give your feet another 5 to 10 minutes to dry completely.

5. Remove any dead skin on your heels, toes, and the balls of your feet with a foot file. Stop frequently to check your progress. If you feel any pain or irritation, stop.

6. Rinse the flakes of skin off your feet with warm water.

7. Slather your feet with a thick moisturizer, and put on a pair of heavy cotton or wool socks. Wear the socks overnight to help the moisturizer soak in.

Tags: your feet, feet with, your feet with, your feet, at-home pedicure