Tuesday 4 August 2015

Best Ways To Repel Mosquitoes

Best Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are pesky little creatures that are famous for ruining outdoor fun. There is little worse than sitting by an open fire, enjoying the smell of the outdoors, and suddenly you hear the faint sound of buzzing in your ear. Chances are it's a mosquito, and if you don't get it quick, it's going to sting you and cause massive itching for days. But if you are smart, and prepared, you'll have a good supply of mosquito repellent, and those pesky little creatures will leave you alone. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase Tempo bug spray at a commercial warehouse store. Gardeners say that this bug spray is the best for repelling mosquitoes. Another top choice is Deet.

2. Burn citronella candles in your yard. Citronella grass and rose scented geranium fuse together to cause an anti mosquito scent. This scent is poured into candles and repels mosquitoes well.

3. Place terra cotta burners around your yard and burn mosquito repellent coils. This product is made by OFF and can be purchased at most stores.

4. Hang mosquito zappers around your yard. This product keeps mosquitoes away, but it can be costly.

5. Plant rosemary bushes. Mosquitoes hate rosemary so they won't come around. They also dislike the smell of marigolds.

6. Mix alcohol with Vick's vapor rub and apply it to your skin. This concoction has been known to repel mosquitoes.

Tags: your yard, around your, around your yard, Best Ways, Best Ways Repel, little creatures, mosquito repellent