Monday 1 June 2015

Make A Safe Insect Spray

Not all insects are welcome in a garden.

Most gardens contain vast numbers of insects, many of which are harmless, useful or beautiful. Some are essential. Bees pollinate fruit trees. A few insects are real pests, eating their way through your vegetables or biting you. Commercial insecticides exist. However, such products are not only toxic to pest insects, they also pose a hazard to useful insects, pets, aquatic life and even you and your pets. Homemade alternatives to kill or deter insect pests are safer and often just as effective. Does this Spark an idea?


Garden Insecticide Spray

1. Mix together 1 tbsp. of dishwashing liquid with 3 pts. of water in a plant mister. Stirring rather than shaking the mixture avoids creating too many bubbles.

2. Adjust the valve at the top of the bottle so a directed spray comes out.

3. Target areas of dense aphid or other pest infestation. Spray growing shoots and the undersides of leaves where the bugs congregate.

Repellent Spray

4. Add ½ pt. of water to a spray bottle.

5. Drip in 10 to 30 drops of citronella essential oil, which is widely available from health and beauty stores or order online.

6. Shake the spray bottle thoroughly before use. The oil doesn't dissolve in water, but will mix.

7. Adjust the valve to produce a mist.

8. Spray your clothes and exposed skin lightly. Repeat about once an hour.

Tags: Adjust valve, spray bottle