Thursday 18 June 2015

Eradicate Mosquitoes

Stay healthy by controlling mosquitoes.

One of the most annoying pests of summer is the mosquito. Mosquitoes are not only annoying, they also transmit several parasites and diseases that can affect humans, dogs and horses. Therefore, managing the mosquito population in your yard is extremely important to diminish the threat to both family and animals. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove any containers that may harbor standing water, to prevent mosquitoes from reproducing. Avoid standing water at all costs by either emptying the water from containers or by changing the water daily in pet dishes and bowls. If water stands for more than two days, then it most likely contains mosquito larvae.

2. Fill up any holes, puddles or ditches that may contain standing water. Also, replace water in wading pools or birdbaths a minimum of once every seven days. The goal is to keep the yard and surrounding area as dry as possible to dissuade mosquitoes from breeding.

3. Use an insect electrocutor, or "bug zapper." These electronic devices attract mosquitoes and other insects to their light and then electrocute them.

4. Spray aerosol insecticides. These insecticides need to be sprayed in numerous areas throughout the yard, on bushes and in shady areas to provide protection from mosquitoes. These aerosol insecticides work best if they contain synthetic pyrethroids or synergized pyrethrum.

5. Employ a fogger device. Fogging devices can be either portable and hand-held or a larger fogging attachment that works on lawn mowers or tractors. A fogger makes use of a liquid insecticide by turning it into a fog that quickly spreads throughout the treated area. Foggers can quickly annihilate resting and flying mature mosquitoes.

6. Utilize mechanical barriers to keep mosquitoes outside: make sure windows, porches and doors have a close-fitting screen of 16-18 mesh. Screens of this size can keep most insects outside. If a mosquito happens to get past the screen, a fly swatter or a spray insecticide having synergized pyrethrum can easily eradicate it.

Tags: standing water, aerosol insecticides, mosquitoes from, synergized pyrethrum