Monday 12 January 2015

Use Clorox In Swimming Pools

Since its introduction in 1913, Clorox Bleach has grown from a popular household laundry aid to being tagged "the miracle bottle" because of its many other uses--from sanitizing Rover's dog bowl to extending the life of fresh-cut flowers. The powerful substance has also since proved to be effective as a chlorine substitute for swimming pools. It takes a little more effort and time using Clorox over chlorine to shock and/or chlorinate pool water, but the cost savings are worth the extra work. Does this Spark an idea?


1. The majority of Clorox bleach products are safe for in-ground and above-ground pools and different types of pool liners because the product contains anti-corrosion agents. However, despite the vast line of different Clorox Bleach products available, all bleaches are not created equal. Clorox ProResults Outdoor Bleach Cleaner and Clorox Plus High Efficiency Bleach, for instance, both are comprised of a thicker formula than Clorox Regular Bleach. And because it's best to use bleach with a thinner viscosity that will dilute quickly, the best choice for shocking or chlorinating a pool is Clorox Regular Bleach or Ultra Clorox, which has a slightly higher level of sodium hypochlorite.

2. To shock the pool for a quick cleaning, pour the Clorox directly into the pool as you would with liquid chlorine, keeping in mind that liquid shock generally has approximately double the amount of sodium hypochlorite than does household bleach; adjust accordingly to the size of your pool. A good rule of thumb to follow is to add three to four gallons of Clorox in place of every gallon of chlorine that you generally use.

3. A more thorough cleaning and even distribution of the Clorox Bleach can be achieved by adding the product to an automatic, pump-driven pool filtration system. The Clorox should be filtered throughout one full circulation.

4. Because the bleach can be unpleasant and even dangerous to swimmers if it has not had time to dilute, avoid using the pool for at least one hour after pouring in the Clorox.

Tags: Clorox Bleach, Clorox Regular, Clorox Regular Bleach, Regular Bleach, sodium hypochlorite