Friday 6 February 2015

Home Remedies For Heartworms In Dogs

Heartworms can be determined by a blood test.

Heartworms are rarely found in people, but are commonly found in dogs. Dogs that are severely infected can have several hundred worms in their heart and blood vessels. Signs of heartworms in dogs include coughing, loss of appetite, weight loss and weakness. While many over-the-counter products can cure heartworms, a few home remedies can be tried before spending too much money on commercial products.

Immune System

Making sure your dog has a healthy immune system will help him to be less likely to get infected by parasites. Heartworms are internal parasites and a healthy dog can kill off the larvae that heartworms leave in the bloodstream. A healthy immune system will kill the larvae and keep them from reaching adult maturity, which will cause harm. Give your dog liver tonic capsules daily to ensure that he will have strong immune system. These capsules can be purchased at most health food stores or online.


Since mosquitoes can transfer heartworm larvae to your dog, it is a good idea to prevent mosquitoes from coming near the dog. Keep mosquitoes away by reducing their reproduction sites and using repellents on your dog. By eliminating breeding sites such as standing water, mosquitoes will be less likely to come around. Pyrethrins and permethrins can be found at many retail stores and are applied to your dog to prevent mosquito bites.


A healthy diet is essential in preventing infections like heartworms in dogs. Your dog should eat vegetables, fruit, raw food and fresh water. Avoid giving your dog milk and foods that contain sugar, artificial flavors and colors. Even if your dog has heartworms, you should feed him raw vegetables and food to boost his immunity system. This will help to rid the dog of heartworms.


Regular exercise will strengthen the dog’s circulation system and heart. With good blood circulation the blood flows great through the vessels and prevents infection such as heartworms. Exercise also plays an important role in the dog having a healthy heart.


Feeding your dog garlic will prevent them from getting mosquito bites, which is what leads to heartworm, since mosquitoes transmit the disease. Feeding your dog just a small pinch of fresh garlic daily will send an odor through the dog’s skin that mosquitoes will not want to bite.

Tags: Feeding your, healthy immune, healthy immune system, heartworms dogs, heartworms Exercise