Friday 27 February 2015

Garlic Tablets & Insect Repellents

Ward off annoying mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes and other biting insects can ruin any camping trip or family outing into the woods. Although insect sprays containing DEET are effective in warding off bugs, not everyone likes the idea of chemicals on their skin and some people look for natural ways to stop mosquitoes. Does this Spark an idea?


Some believe that taking garlic tablets will help ward off mosquitoes because they do not like the smell. However, a study conducted in 2005 by the University of Connecticut Health Center demonstrated that garlic tablets have no affect on repelling mosquitoes.


In the study, scientists asked subjects to consume a large amount of garlic on some days and then eat placebo on the others. The scientists then exposed them to mosquitoes everyday. The number of bites on the subject did not differ on any day.

Expert Insight

The most effective natural repellent for mosquitoes is lemon eucalyptus oil, according to pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene. Although DEET is effective, it can cause irritation if it gets into your eyes and is poisonous if swallowed.

Tags: DEET effective, garlic tablets