Friday 13 February 2015

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Rodenticides

Globally, there is a one to one ratio of humans to rats.

Rodenticides, as their name implies, are chemicals designed to kill rodents, such as rats and mice. Their earliest recorded use was by Aristotle in 350 BC. Rodenticides are still considered as one of the most effective ways to eliminate rat and mice infestations. Rodenticides are either single exposure toxins, such as strychnine, or a combination of chemicals, including sodium fluoroacetate. Does this Spark an idea?


The number one benefit of rodenticides, as opposed to other forms of pest control, is their effectiveness in controlling rodent populations. Unlike traps, rodenticides, in the form of fumigants, can quickly eliminate rat and mice populations even in severe cases of infestation. Because rodenticides are more effective than traps, they prevent rats and mice from infecting humans with diseases, such as sylvatic rodent-borne plague and typhus, which are still common today. Other diseases that effective rodent control prevents are lymphocytic choriomeningitis and dysentery.


One concern with using rodenticides is possible exposure to children, pets and wildlife. Children can manipulate containers and "hiding places" where poisons are placed. However, even some bait houses and locking bait boxes can be breached by curious animals, such as cats trying to hunt prey. Also, there is the consideration of spread and runoff of byproducts into waterways when used in large amounts. For example, meal rodenticides have a high waste ratio because they break down easily. As a result, the amount of pesticide not immediately ingested is left in the environment to be inhaled as dust particles or washed off into the nearest water source.


Along with meal form, rodenticides come in pellet, glue and pastes. One disadvantage of pellets is the time delay between ingestion and symptoms. Some rats and mice can feel the onset of symptoms and stop eating the pellets before ingesting a lethal dosage. As a result, bait stations remain, full giving the false impression that rats are not there to eat the bait when, in all actuality, the rodent populations are increasing.


Using rodenticides is only one of several ways to control rat and mice populations. Alternatives to effective pest control depend on the location and severity of the infestation. Along with the traditional steel spring rat trap, sticky boards, live cage traps and prevention measures can all be successful over time. Speak with your local pest control service or department of agriculture to obtain more information about pest control alternatives for your area.

Tags: pest control, rats mice, Along with, eliminate mice, mice populations, rodent populations