Thursday 26 February 2015

Facts About Pregnancy And Itchy Skin

Pregnancy can be a joy and a frustration all at once. Along with the amazing feelings of the baby kicking and moving come unpleasant side effects like morning sickness and exhaustion. Itchiness is one of the unpleasant side effects of pregnancy. In most cases, it is a harmless annoyance, but it can escalate to a serious condition. Being aware of the difference is vital for every pregnant woman.

Normal Itchiness Exaggerated

Pregnancy hormones can cause the normal itchiness to be more noticeable. This includes dry skin conditions and eczema as well as itchiness related to allergies.

Itchy Hands and Feet

A pregnant woman may experience itchiness in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Extra estrogen in the body is to blame. This type of itching disappears after delivery and is completely normal.

Itchy Belly

The growing belly causes skin to stretch. This will cause extreme itchiness for some women. Cocoa butter helps to soothe the skin and relieve the itching.


PUPPS is a condition that causes a pregnant woman to break out in small skin eruptions over the belly and legs. The condition disappears after delivery. A doctor or midwife may prescribe something to help the itchiness.

Pemphigoid Gestanionis

Pemphigoid Gestanionis starts out like hives on the pregnant woman's body but soon turns into large blisters that erupt and ooze fluid. This is a dangerous condition that can cause preterm labor. A pregnant woman should seek medical help immediately if blisters begin to form on the abdomen.

Tags: pregnant woman, after delivery, condition that, disappears after, disappears after delivery