Tuesday 18 November 2014

Herbal Insect Repellents

More and more people are turning to organic alternatives for their daily needs. Stores carry various herbal toiletries and cleaning products, but much of what you use can be grown in your own garden, including the essential ingredients for insect repellent. Non-herbal insect repellents sold in stores often contain a large number of chemicals, but you can avoid these by using common garden herbs. There are a few herbs that repel insects naturally and effectively. Does this Spark an idea?

Homemade Citronella Spray

To create a homemade herbal insect repellent, consider using a citronella-based spray. Combine 2 oz. witch hazel extract with 60 drops of citronella oil. You can either mix this solution into a lotion or pour it into a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well before using. Double the amount of citronella oil if you need more. The witch hazel extract can be replaced with olive oil or even rubbing alcohol.

Oil-based Fresh Herb Insect Repellent

To make an insect repellent oil out of fresh herbs, use 1/4 cup pennyroyal, 1/4 cup thyme, 1/8 cup basil, 1/8 cup neem leaf. Leave the herbs out in the sun to wilt, then combine the herbs and 1 cup of olive oil in a crock pot. Heat the mixture on high for three hours. Strain the oil through a cheesecloth-lined strainer. Add 10 drops of citronella oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil to each ounce of oil.

Fresh Herbs to Carry With You

Citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) is a great mosquito repellent. The oil from this grass is the primary ingredient in many natural insect repellents. Citronella grass grows best in tropical regions. Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is another common garden plant that repels mosquitoes. Crush the leaves, and apply this directly to your skin. Sagebrush, wormwood, and mugwort (Artemisia spp.) can also be directly applied to the skin. Be careful of rubbing any of these on your skin without testing a small area first. You can also simply tuck them into a collar or pin them to your shirt.

Herbs to Repel Insects in Your Garden

Santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus) repels all insects and is a good choice for your garden. Others are scented geranium (Pelargonium 'Rober's Lemon Rose'), Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta), lemon thyme (Thymus x citriodorus), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), and lavender (Lavandula). For repelling flies, holy basil, catnip, and Santolina are the most effective.

Tags: insect repellent, Citronella grass, common garden, drops citronella, hazel extract, insect repellents