Friday 31 October 2014

Natural Remedies For Mosquitoes & Fleas On Dogs

Mosquito and flea bites can be very annoying to dogs.

Fleas are the most common canine pest and can cause severe itching and allergies in dogs. Mosquitoes prefer humans, but will settle for your dog as well. Mosquitoes carry heartworm microfilaria, which is an immature stage of heartworms, and can transfer it to your dog. Many natural remedies can be used to prevent flea and mosquito infestation in dogs.

Flea Comb

Using a flea comb is the simplest way to rid of fleas in dogs, according to the All-Pets-Info website. These fine-toothed combs are specially made to trap fleas and flea eggs from your dog's fur. Fleas and flea eggs get trapped in narrow gaps of the comb. Flea combs can be purchased at any pet shop and some retail stores. If the dog has an abundance of fleas, this method will not get rid of all of them. However, it will reduce the flea population on your dog significantly.

Essential Oils

Peppermint, lavender and geranium essential oils repel mosquitoes. The oils can be purchased at health food stores, online and at some retail stores. Apply a drop or two of the oil between the dog's shoulder blades daily to repel mosquitoes.

Lavender, peppermint, citronella and lemongrass essential oils can be used in the same way to repel against fleas.


To make a homemade flea repellent, cut six lemons in half and put them in a quart of water to boil. Steep for several hours, and then strain the solution in a spray bottle. Spray your dog's fur coat, but make sure not to get it his eyes or around his face. After you spray the solution on the dog's fur, rub it is with your hands. This natural remedy can be used daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar

To relieve your dog from itching, due to mosquito bites, use apple cider vinegar. Put some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and dab it directly on the mosquito bite. This will give immediate relief from itching.

Homemade Flea Spray

Another homemade flea spray can be made with warm water and essential oils. Mix 600 ml of warm water, two drops of pure lavender oil and two drops of cedar wood essential oil in a spray bottle. Shake well and spray on your dog, but make sure not to get in your dog's eyes. If you get the spray in your dog's eyes, immediately rinse with water.

Tags: essential oils, apple cider, flea eggs, from itching, homemade flea