Friday 17 October 2014

How Get Rid Of Small Black Biting Ants In My Garden

Get rid of black biting ants and enjoy gardening again.

Biting ants in the garden ruin your gardening experience. Not only do they chew on your vegetation, they also bite you, which makes tending to your garden a miserable experience. Using pesticides on your garden is a bit dangerous, particularly if you are growing vegetables. This leaves many gardeners wondering get rid of the little black bugs. A variety of techniques are available that are safe to use on your vegetation and effective against the insects. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth on the garden's soil. The ants eat and take the fossilized algae back to the queen. The product causes the ants to dehydrate and eventually die.

2. Harvest any vegetables as soon as they are ripe, as ants often flock to ripe crops. Remove any debris in your garden, as well as vegetables that are dead or overripe.

3. Sprinkle boric acid powder around the garden. Pay particular attention to corners and cracks in the garden, as ants often sneak underneath garden borders to get to vegetation. The powder sticks to the ants, which remove it from themselves using their mouths and ultimately die as a result. Alternately, mix ½ tsp. of boric acid with 1 tbsp. of peanut butter and place it in a small container that has a lid. Poke holes in the lid, and place the container in the garden on its side. The ants crawl in the holes, grab the bait, eat it and bring it back to the queen. Refill the container whenever the bait is gone.

4. Pour boiling water into ant hills or nests if you find them. The water may reach the queen, which causes the entire colony's demise.

5. Place sticky traps on the garden soil. The ants become stuck to the adhesive and stay put. Remove the traps when they are full, and continue to place them in the soil until the ants stop coming.

Tags: your garden, ants often, back queen, boric acid, garden soil, garden soil ants