Friday 10 October 2014

About Laser Surgery To Remove Acne Scars

Suffering from acne scars isn't the easiest thing in the world. In fact, they can knock a serious dent in your self-esteem and make you feel unattractive. But this doesn't have to be. There are many ways to deal with acne scars from creams to surgeries. One way people attempt to treat them is through laser surgery or laser resurfacing. While a minimally-invasive treatment, it is still important to know what you're getting into before you agree to the procedure. Does this Spark an idea?

Ablative Laser Treatment

One type of laser treatment is called ablative, and it involves removing the top layers of your skin. This is done by actually burning away the scar tissue and damaged skin with a laser. As a result, the collagen beneath is stimulated and jumps into action, smoothing over the scarred area and making it look more full. The skin is physically damaged in this process and could result in new scar tissue if not taken care of properly afterward.

Non-Ablative Laser Treatment

Another type of laser treatment is non-ablative, which simply makes the skin change without injuring the outermost layers. One common type of laser used for this procedure is called Smoothbeam and it heats up the sebaceous glands, putting a stop to new acne. It also makes the skin tighter, smoother and fuller because collagen is stimulated as well. Another option is a yellow pulse dye laser, which is used mostly on keloidal scars, making them flatter and less pronounced. An anesthetic cream is applied to the face in both cases to ensure the skin does not overheat and the procedure is not painful.


Even though laser resurfacing as an acne scar treatment is relatively mild, it is still a form of surgery and comes with risks. For instance, new scarring can form, the skin pigment can be permanently altered, you may look red or suffer from drier skin or an infection could develop. Some people may suffer from a flareup of the herpes virus following treatment as well. Luckily, in most cases the procedure goes smoothly, and no side effects are reported.

Tags: type laser, laser resurfacing, Laser Treatment, laser treatment, makes skin