Wednesday 8 October 2014

Brew Catnip Tea

Catnip tea is a traditional herbal remedy.

Catnip tea, brewed from catnip leaf, is among the folk herbal remedies people traditionally used to treat infants and children, according to Elisabeth Janos in her book "Country Folk Medicine." The National Institutes of Health website lists infantile colic, flatulence, nervous problems, menstrual irregularity and hiccups among the conditions for which people take catnip tea. Prepare catnip tea from store-bought teabags, or brew your own from dried catnip leaf.


1. A tea infuser saves the need to strain your herbal tea

Measure out 1 tsp. (5 grams) of dried catnip leaf into a warmed cup or teapot. If you use fresh catnip leaf, use 2 tsp. of catnip (10 grams). You can use a tea infuser or muslin tea bag to brew your herbal tea in.

2. Steep your catnip leaf in boiling water

Bring 1 cup of water (250 ml) to a boil and then pour it over the herbs. Cover the teapot and let the herbs steep for 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Strain the catnip tea into a cup with a strainer or with unbleached muslin cloth. If desired, sweeten it with stevia or honey. Alternatively, blend it with some fruit juice.

4. Drink catnip tea in doses of two to three cups a day, recommends Herbs2000. If you prepare more catnip tea than you drink, refrigerate any that you have left over.

Tags: catnip leaf, brew your, dried catnip, dried catnip leaf, your herbal