Friday 3 October 2014

Get Rid Of Daddy Longlegs In Your House

Daddy longlegs often create messy webs.

Despite their appearance, daddy longlegs are not actually spiders, but they are members of the arachnid family. These nonaggressive arachnids eat other insects and pose no threat to humans. Still, most people do not enjoy finding daddy longlegs in their homes. Eliminating all insects and arachnids from the home can be difficult, but there are several things you can do to lower the population. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Vacuum up all visible cobwebs and egg sacs. Immediately dump the contents of the vacuum cleaner outside of your home.

2. Clean up wood stacks, old magazines, and other debris in basements. Arachnids and other insects use these spaces for hiding and breeding.

3. Install a dehumidifier in your basement or any room with excessive moisture. Daddy longlegs are attracted to dark and damp areas.

4. Caulk small cracks and crevices around windows, doors and openings where utility pipes enter the house.

5. Place sticky traps in areas where a high population of daddy longlegs have been seen. Alternatively, sprinkle borax in those areas. Borax has low toxicity to humans but is lethal to insects.

Tags: daddy longlegs, other insects