Friday 19 September 2014

The Mosquito Magnet Defender Won'T Start

Mosquitoes are a nuisance that can be controlled.

Mosquito Magnet Defender is a mosquito control system that employs the natural abilities of the mosquito, and uses them against the bothersome insect. If a unit won't start, troubleshooting a malfunctioning device is needed. Does this Spark an idea?

Check the Connections

The Mosquito Magnet Defender lures in mosquitoes with converted propane turned into carbon dioxide, a main attractant for mosquitoes. Initially, if a device does not start, check to see if it is plugged in and there are no loose wires or connections.

Check the Propane Tank

If all connections are verified and the unit still refuses to start, the propane tank that supplies the fuel for the Mosquito Magnet may be empty. Check the level and fill, if necessary.

Check the Fuel Supply Line

Another issue may be air in the fuel supply line. Ideally, take the tank and line to the fill station for purging. Additionally, check the security check valve for triggering. If it is triggered, take the regulator valve off and place it back on.

Tags: Mosquito Magnet, Magnet Defender, Mosquito Magnet Defender