Friday 25 December 2015

Homeopathic Mosquito Repellent Ideas

Remove all sources of standing water in your yard to prevent mosquito breeding.

Summertime means picnics, swimming and backyard cookouts. Unfortunately, summertime also means that insects are out in full force. Mosquitoes are common outdoor pests that make people miserable when they bite. Chemical mosquito repellents often have dangerous side effects, making homeopathic remedies a viable option for mosquito control. Does this Spark an idea?


Mosquitoes are insects that look similar to flies, but bite humans as well as animals. Female mosquitoes bite to acquire blood to feed their developing eggs. After biting, mosquitoes inject saliva into the bite site, causing some people to develop itchy red welts. Some mosquitoes carry dangerous viruses that can be transmitted to humans, causing them to become quite ill. Avoiding mosquito bites is best accomplished with sanitation, wearing protective clothing and insect repellents.


A variety of insect repellents are designed to keep mosquitoes at bay. However, many people wish to use homeopathic repellents instead of chemical repellents that may have side effects. Essential oils are often used as insect repellents. Basil, citronella, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, juniper and myrrh are all essential oils that work to repel insects. You can make your own homeopathic mosquito repellent by adding 2 tsp. of the essential oils with 1 cup 190-grain proof alcohol. Combine these ingredients in a jar and shake well. When going outdoors, rub a small amount on your skin's surface. Test this mixture on a small portion of skin to determine sensitivity to essential oils before applying it all over. For those who wish to purchase homeopathic repellents, there are a wide variety of plant-based mosquito repellents that contain essential oils such as peppermint oil and citronella.


Repellents work by making human skin less attractive to mosquitoes, making these insects less likely to bite. Those who are planning to remain outdoors for long periods of time must reapply repellents every few hours for continued control. Repellents work best when combined with protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and closed-toed shoes.


Keeping your yard free from standing water will help eliminate mosquito breeding sites. Drill holes in garbage cans and outdoor containers so water drains out. Mosquitoes may also breed in weedy areas, so keep your yard free from leaf litter and high weeds to prevent infestation. Avoid being outdoors during peak insect times, such as just before dawn and at dusk.

Tags: essential oils, insect repellents, your yard, free from, homeopathic repellents, mosquito breeding