Wednesday 1 July 2015

Repel Moths And Mosquitoes Naturally

Mosquito netting can keep you from getting bitten.

Moths and mosquitoes are disliked by many due to the damage they can do. Moths can eat your clothes, plants and food products. A mosquito bite may trigger itching and swelling and in severe cases an allergic reaction can set in. Mosquitoes are also linked to the transmission of diseases such as malaria and the West Nile virus. To repel mosquitoes and moths without the use of harsh chemicals there are various herbs you can use and precautions you can take. Does this Spark an idea?


Repelling Moths Naturally

1. Clean food cabinets that may attract moths. Avoid leaving leftover food lying around the house. Place food in airtight containers so it is not accessible to moths. Wipe food cabinets with lavender oil. Moths dislike the aroma that lavender oil emits and will stay away.

2. Cut a piece of cheesecloth or an old T-shirt into 4-inch squares. Place two squares on top of each other and sew them together leaving one side open. Fill the small bag you've created with an equal mixture of bay leaves, spearmint, thyme, rosemary, and basil leaves. These leaves all emit a moth-repelling scent. Sew the bag shut and place it in areas prone to moths, such as your clothes closet and food cabinets. Use old pantyhose as an alternative to make the bags. Replace the bags every 6 months because the leaves lose their potency over time.

3. Wash your clothes in hot water of approximately 120 degrees Fahrenheit because hot water kills moths. Bring clothes that cannot be laundered in hot water to the dry cleaners to have them cleaned. Keep only clean clothes in your closet because moths are prone to feed on dirty clothes.

4. Make homemade moth repellent spray. Stuff a teapot with bay leaves, thyme, tansy, rosemary, wormwood and spearmint. Pour hot water over the leaves and let them seep until the water cools down. Pour the liquid in a spray bottle and mist areas around your home that you want to keep moth-free. You can also make an infusion using just one or two types of the leaves.

Repelling Mosquitoes Naturally

5. Combat mosquitoes with homemade all-natural mosquito repellent spray. Crush 1 cup of rosemary leaves with a rolling pin and place them in a glass jar. Pour 3/4 cup of rice vinegar over the leaves. Stir the leaves daily over a 2-week period. Strain the mixture and place it in a spray bottle.

6. Place crushed catnip, lemongrass, rosemary, or spearmint leaves in a glass jar. Place the jar with the crushed leaves on your patio. Mosquitoes despise the aroma from these herbs and will stay away. Rub the leaves on your skin as an alternative or additional repelling method.

7. Take preventative measures; place screens on your windows and doors, wear mosquito netting, avoid using strong-smelling shampoos and soaps, and remove any outside buckets or containers that can fill up with water, because water attracts mosquitoes.

8. Take a zinc and vitamin B complex supplement to keep mosquitoes from biting you as suggested by "The Ecologist."

Tags: food cabinets, your clothes, because water, leaves your, Mosquitoes Naturally, over leaves, repellent spray