Monday 27 July 2015

Natural Pesticides For Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are tiny insects that feed on the stems and leaves of turf grass, sucking the juices from the grass, damaging the blades and causing the plants to die. These invasive insects are particularly fond of bent grasses such as Saint Augustine grass. Left unchecked, chinch bugs can quickly destroy a lawn, particularly during hot, dry weather when turf grass is already stressed and the bugs are most active. Natural pesticides are available for treating a chinch bug infestations that are much safer than synthetic treatments, significantly reducing the risk of exposure of people and pets to harmful chemicals. Does this Spark an idea?

Beauveria bassiana

According to Oregon State University, the natural pesticide Beauveria bassiana is effective at reducing chinch bug infestations. A fungus, Beauveria works as a biological pesticide. The fungus attacks chinch bugs that contact its spores, which infect the bugs, using them as hosts and eventually killing them. The fungus is completely natural and harmless to people and pets. Beauveria bassiana is available as a spray or powder.


Texas A&M University indicates that neem oil, a botanical pesticide, may be useful to help control chinch bugs. Neem is a tree native to south Asia and India where it has been used as a natural pesticide for hundreds of years. The tree is now cultivated in tropical regions worldwide. The seeds of the neem tree are pressed to extract the oil, which contains azadirachtin, a naturally-occurring chemical that works as an insecticide when sprayed on affected plants. Neem has a low toxicity level for people and pets.


Rotenone, another botanical pesticide obtained from several species of tropical plants, is another choice for a natural pesticide treatment for chinch bugs, according to North Carolina State University. This natural agent is biodegradable and breaks down rapidly when exposed to direct sunlight. Rotenone is available nurseries and garden centers as a powder. Combined with water, rotenone can be sprayed on affected areas in a lawn to eradicate chinch bugs, as well as other pests. Use rotenone with great care around ponds, lakes and livestock, as the substance is extremely toxic to fish, reptiles, amphibians and pigs.


Pyrethrum is another natural botanical pesticide that is derived from a specific species of chrysanthemums. The extract of these flowers contains chemicals toxic to insects, known as pyrethrins. The University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program recommends pyrethrins as a means to control Chinch bug outbreaks. Pyrethrin may only paralyze insects temporarily, and is sometimes combined with soap to provide a longer lasting treatment.

Tags: chinch bugs, Beauveria bassiana, botanical pesticide, natural pesticide, people pets, chinch infestations, sprayed affected