Monday 6 April 2015

Get Rid Of Mosquitoes Around Your Home


Mosquitoes are some of the most annoying creatures in the planet and finding a way to rid your yard and home of them is always a challenge. Using harsh chemicals and dangerous foggers are options that might work for a while but at a potential health risk to the people and animals in the surrounding area. The insect repellant industry market heavily the products containing DEET but these products can make you feel oily and smell unpleasant. I will give you a new suggestion and some steps to take to make it work. This suggestion if done correctly will give good results and you will get rid of mosquitoes around your home. Does this Spark an idea?


1. The first thing you need to do is mow the grass in your lawn. The mosquitoes thrive in high grass. It shades them from the hot sun in the day. Clean up the yard around your home. Make sure there is no place where water can accumulate. If there is any old flower pots or buckets that have water in them the mosquitoes will use this water as a breading ground and it will be much more difficult to rid your yard of these mosquitoes. Trim any plants or bushes so the mosquitoes don't have a place to hide from the sun in the day.

2. The second thing you should do is go to any local super market like Wal-Mart, Target, or Walgreens and purchases a few bottles of Listerine Mouthwash. Get the large ones. You don't have to get the brand name mouthwash, both Target and Walgreens carry a product that is exactly like Listerine Mouthwash but it is the store brand and that will work also. The best mouthwash to use for mosquitoes is the original one not the flavored one. While you are at the supermarket also buy a good spray bottle. Get one that can spray direct and also mist you will need them both.

3. The third thing you should do is pour the mouthwash in the spray bottle and begin spraying the area around the house. Make sure you get under the bushes and shrubs. If you plan to have an outdoors gathering spray all around the area people will congregate and also the grass and all the yard. The mosquitoes do not like the smell of the mouthwash and they will stay away. Many people have tried this and it has been said to work. I tried it and I know it works. Don't hesitate to try it. Also the Mouthwash is much less expensive than most all-insect repellants.

Tags: around your, Listerine Mouthwash, Make sure, spray bottle, Target Walgreens