Monday 27 April 2015

Care For A Rain Barrel

Rain barrels catch the water that drains off your roof.

Rain barrels are large tubs, barrels or trash cans that are attached to a home or building's downspouts to collect rainwater that drains off the roof. The collected water can be used to water the lawn and garden, thus conserving household water and reducing the water bill. Although rain barrels are simplistic in design, they must be maintained regularly. If rain barrels are not maintained, the water can become contaminated and unfit for use. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Open the water spigot at the bottom of the rain barrel once a week and allow all of the water to drain out of it to prevent mosquito eggs from hatching. Alternatively you can install a fine-mesh window screen over all openings in the rain barrel, to bar mosquitos, which allows you to store the water longer.

2. Lift the top off of the rain barrel once a week and look for green algae. If algae is present, empty all the water and wash the inside with a mixture of 1 gallon of water and 3/4 cup bleach. Scrub the sides of the barrel well with a clean scrub brush and rinse the barrel with clean water to remove the bleach residue.

3. Scrape off any leaves, pine straw and roof debris that accumulates on the top of the barrel or on the wire mesh. You should do this a minimum of twice a year, although more often is better.

4. Detach the rain barrel in the fall before the temperatures drop to freezing. Drain out all the water and pull up on the flexible downspout attached to the top of the rain barrel. Clean the inside with the bleach solution and turn the rain barrel upside down or place it in a garage or shed until spring.

Tags: rain barrel, barrel once, barrel once week, inside with, once week, rain barrel once