Wednesday 28 October 2015

The Best Pest Control Devices

Rid your home of pests by employing the best control devices.

The best pest control devices many times are simple to use and of simple construction, whether they're pest control machines, such as mousetraps or roach hotels, or chemical pesticides that keep bugs out of your garden. There are many natural pest deterrents, but choose a device that's best for your situation. Does this Spark an idea?


Poisons and baits are the first items that most homeowners reach for when they find pests. Poison can be the most effective control method available, for mice, rats, ants or even fleas and ticks. A major drawback is that the poison also attracts your family dog or cat. Poison baits should never be left where pets or children can reach them. Another problem with poisons is that larger mammals, such as rats or mice, don't die immediately after ingesting poison. The animal might return to its nest to die, inside a wall or behind a heavy appliance, which you must move to remove the carcass.


Traps have been used for centuries to successfully control and eliminate minor pest infestations. Mouse traps, roach motels and ant motels are popular and reasonably priced, but you must check them regularly to ensure they aren't accidentally triggered. Recent trap innovations include glue traps, which don't instantly kill the rodent or bug, but hold it until removal. Some traps use bait that's attractive to the family pet, so keep the trap out of your pet's reach.

Preventive Barriers

Preventive barriers are largely chemical mixtures, which are seasonally applied around your home's foundation or inside it. These barriers provide protection against bugs such as ants, termites and roaches. The best protective barriers provide a scent that repels the insects, but that's undetectable to pets and humans. When applying the preventive barrier, keep pet food and water dishes away from the spray site inside the house, and thoroughly spray the home's outside foundation, leaving an unbroken line around the home.

Predator Deterrent

Predator deterrent helps alleviate problems with animals, such as rabbits and squirrels, that invade your garden. They can also be used to repel deer, but those deterrents are packaged in a chemical form. To keep rabbits and squirrels away, purchase an owl statue for the garden and rotate it occasionally so that pests don't realize it's a statue. For deer repellents, use products that reproduce the scent markings of wolves. Deer are sensitive to smells--a wolf is a deer's natural predator and its scent will keep the deer at bay.

Electronic Pest Control

Electronic pest control falls into two categories: electromagnetic and ultrasonic. Electromagnetic pest control devices change the polarity of your household wiring to a range that repels pests. Ultrasonic pest control devices emit a sound frequency that's undetectable to humans, but that pests and small animals can hear. Check the packaging carefully before purchase, as some electronic pest control devices shouldn't be used around pets. For instance, the ultrasonic pest control devices are unsuitable for dogs, which share a similar range of hearing with rodents. Electronic pest control devices are not regulated by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.

Tags: control devices, pest control devices, pest control, pest control, barriers provide, Electronic pest