Friday 23 October 2015

Beetle Species In Illinois

Asian long-horned beetles are invasive to Illinois.

According to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, beetles are the largest order of insects in the world. Many of Illinois' insects are invasive, meaning they are not native to Illinois. As a result, these beetles have no natural predator and are pests to Illinois' agricultural industry. Pest control companies recommend using pesticides to eliminate beetles; stepping on beetles triggers a foul odor usually reserved for warding off potential predators.

Tiger Beetles

Illinois is home to two tiger beetle species, Cicindela hirticollis and Tetracha virginica. Neither beetle species has a common name. Cicindela hirticollis is an orange and brown beetle species approximately a half-inch in length. Most of these tiger beetles have been found in Illinois' northern and central counties. Spring and fall are the active seasons for Cicindela hirticollis beetles. Southern Illinois is the only location Tetracha virginica has been found in the Illini State. This beetle species is the larger of Illinois' two tiger beetles at 1 inch. Tetracha virginica is primarily active during the summer.

Lady Beetles

Lady beetles, also known as ladybugs, are a species belonging to the Coccinellidae family of insects. All lady beetles are indigenous to Asia and were initially introduced to the southeastern and southwestern states. However, lady beetles quickly spread to other states, including Illinois. The most common lady beetle in Illinois is the Asian lady beetle, or Harmonia axyridis. The Asian lady beetle and other Illinois lady beetles -- spotless ladybug and orange spotted ladybug -- help agriculture by preying on crop pests, but the University of Illinois says these beetles also cause damage to crops.

Leaf Beetles

All beetles in the insect family Chrysomelidae are known as leaf beetles. These insects are called leaf beetles since plant and tree leaves are the staple of their diets. Long antennae and torsos are similar physical characteristics between leaf beetle species. One of the most common leaf beetles in Illinois is the dogbane leaf beetle, or Chrysochus auratus fabricius. This beetle lives in the central and southern Illinois grasslands region. This beetle grows to a half-inch in length. Other Chrysomelidae beetles in Illinois are southern corn, elm and bean leaf beetles.

Japanese Beetles

Per their name, Japanese beetles, or Popillia japonica, are originally from Japan and were introduced to the United States in the early 20th century. Since then, these invasive beetles spread into most regions of the United States. The University of Illinois claims Japanese beetles are considered pests in the Illini State's agricultural community. Japanese beetle grubs feed on plant roots, and the adults feast on leaves and stems. Japanese beetles have metallic green coloration and are almost box-shaped in their appearance; their length and width is .6 inches by .4 inches, respectively.

Tags: beetle species, beetles have, Cicindela hirticollis, lady beetle, leaf beetles, Tetracha virginica, This beetle