Tuesday 6 October 2015

Brewer'S Yeast Garlic For Dogs

Brewer's yeast garlic for dogs is an herbal supplement comprised of brewer's yeast and garlic. Dog owners who have heard about brewer's yeast with garlic but want to know more should understand what it does for dogs, what its nutrient properties are, how much to dose and possible problems with using this herbal supplement before giving it to their dog.

What Does Brewer's Yeast and Garlic Do

Brewer's yeast garlic for dogs contains yeast from the beer brewing process that has been sterilized and dried. The yeast is a single-celled fungus used by brewers to convert sugars in grains into alcohol. Full of nutrients, brewer's yeast is used widely in animal feed and supplements. Garlic has insect-repellent properties when ingested or when rubbed on the dog's coat. Brewer's yeast garlic for dogs is used for improvement of skin and conditions and as flea repellent.

Nutrient Properties

Brewer's yeast garlic for dogs adds protein, zinc, niacin and B-vitamins to a dog's diet, along with other vitamins and minerals. Biotin from the yeast is good for a dog's skin and coat. The garlic is said to repel fleas and ticks.


Brewer's yeast with garlic for dogs is often formulated in tablets. Herbal dietary supplements cannot be as consistently measured as other pharmaceuticals and will not be labeled in mg/tablet, but most brands say to give one tablet per 10 lbs. (22 kg) of body weight per day. Makers of brewer's yeast with garlic say you can give your dog the full dose once a day or spread throughout the day, with meals or as treats.

Garlic Nonsafety

Some dog care experts caution to avoid too much garlic for dogs due to anecdotal evidence of thiosulphate in the garlic causing anemia. The National Research Council and National Academy of Sciences analyzed multiple studies on administration of garlic to dogs and were unable to form any conclusion about the nonsafety of garlic in dogs. They point out that many studies use purified forms of garlic to conduct studies directly applied to the target tissues, rather than metabolized through the dog's dietary intake, and often on a one-time test basis. No data exists to study the long-term effects of daily ingestion of garlic. The historical safe intake of garlic for dogs is 10 mg per lb. (22 mg/kg) of body weight per day.

Brewer's Yeast Problems

Brewer's yeast can be a trigger for a dangerous digestive condition in dogs known as "bloat." Experts recommend beginning with a minimal dose of this supplement and working up to the recommended dose level. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Contact a veterinarian in the case of overdose. Insulin production can be inhibited by ingestion of brewer's yeast; for diabetic dogs, consult a veterinarian before beginning a brewer's yeast with garlic regimen.

Tags: garlic dogs, with garlic, yeast garlic, yeast garlic dogs, yeast with, yeast with garlic