Tuesday 6 October 2015

Get Rid Of Biting Black Flies

BTI cakes placed in creeks and streams can kill black fly larvae.

Black flies, also known as buffalo or turkey gnats, have become a considerable problem in northeastern states near rivers and streams with moving water necessary for black fly larvae to feed. Damming and clearing debris from running water sources to deprive larvae from the habitat needed for them to mature into adult black flies is the best way to control them. Timing is critical and should be done in conjunction with the use of BTI (bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis) cakes or mosquito dunks. BTI is a bacterial toxin that kills black fly larvae. Many jurisdictions have black fly control programs in effect, and you should consult with your local conservation office before attempting to eradicate them on your own. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Dam and clear the debris from the ponds, small lakes, streams and creeks. Black fly larvae require debris to cling to, and running water to feed.

2. Place BTI cakes or mosquito dunks in water sources. BTI should be placed in water breeding grounds three to four weeks before the peak black fly season. Check with local conservation officials for the best timing in your area.

3. Apply BTI in various spots in the creek or stream to ensure adequate dispersal of the larvae killer.

4. Check BTI cakes periodically to ensure they haven't completely dissolved and that there is a constant supply of BTI in the water. BTI cakes can last up to 30 days and have to be replaced throughout black fly season to be effective. Replacing mosquito dunks every 15 to 20 days is recommended to be safe.

Tags: mosquito dunks, black larvae, black season, cakes mosquito, cakes mosquito dunks, debris from, local conservation