Sunday 14 December 2014

Attract Bats

Bats are wonderful creatures that help the environment in many different ways. Because bats eat insects or pollinate fruit, vegetables, and flowers, you will want to attract these nighttime visitors into your yard. You can keep bats coming back whether you have a large yard or small patio as long as you have the right items to attract them.


1. Turn on the lights. Many bats eat insects, and lights attract bugs. You can set up lights around your backyard, or have a few on your porch. Turn them on and watch the insects fly around. Soon you will see bats, too.

2. Set up a water source. Bats are like any other animal. They need to drink. A bird bath is perfect as it allows the bats to drink but also keep safe from predators, such as cats.

3. Plant fragrant flowers, herbs, and other plants that attract moths and insects that feed at night. Night blooming flowers such as Four O'Clocks and Evening Primrose are great for this purpose.

4. Get cover. If your backyard has trees and bushes already planted, this is ideal. If not, invest in small trees, bushes, and potted plants so your bats can take cover from predators. You might find that the bats begin to roost there, as well.

5. Do not use pesticides as they kill bats and are harmful for the environment.

6. Buy a bat house. Bat Conservation International (BCI) recommends the best houses for bats' safety and protection. These homes are certified by BCI and made by chosen manufacturers. Contact Bat Conservation International at 1-800-538-2287.

Tags: bats insects, Conservation International, from predators, trees bushes, your backyard